Monthly Archives: August 2013


First pictures in apartment, the tooth and ear problem still makes me difficult, and the rain came to me twice in the first week!! Well, sunny bright in most cases, and the temperature turns down quickly to 12-23 degree even in Summer August!


To Regensburg- a lovely town 1.5hr train from München, a sunny Saturday, guided by an English speaking tour- an 40-50yrs old lady trying hard to explain us the old history of here, Roman Foundation, every stone or wall has a 2000 yrs story!! wow, if in China, that gonna be 5000 yrs i would say, but anyway, all the things are maintained well even now, or further more.


Here is called “Duo Nao River”, the name I heard from childhood and that Famous piano lyric. There is a popular restaurant nearby with crowded people queuing for the delicious bread+grilled sausage+sour cooked cabbage, 2.4 euro, really nice food.


490f3de3gw1e84z6trfyzj20i80pcgqx从Müchen坐拜仁州票火车到Füssen美丽小镇辗转78路公交到天鹅堡, 新天鹅堡,老天鹅堡,还有个博物馆,Alpsee湖….景色确实超美,我们只进去观了新堡听了中文导游解说(电子播放器^_^),分享了那时国王大帝的奢华宫殿生活,感觉跟隋唐盛世有的一拼风格不同。



boating - 杂志

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Posted by on August 26, 2013 in Travel